This Is A Factor That Many Ignore That Can Help You Lose Weight.
As you probably know, at Custom Body Fitness, we do follow up assessments every 6 weeks. On those follow ups we go over the reason why and why not our members are getting result.
On the assessments, I asked many questions and our members usually tell what is going on in their lives, the changes they have made and the difficulties they are having.
The answers vary from eating healthy to exercise and habitual changes. One of the answers that lately is catching my attention that are helping different members to get results is the ability to say no.
The reason why the ability to say no helps many people to lose weight is because they are less stressed and also set boundaries that help them to not overeat…
Many of our members said that many times they wanted to say no to invites and requests, but they always ended up saying yes. They knew it was something that they did not want to do, but they did it anyway.
The stress of not having the ability to say no will lead them to overeat…
For example, the sister will ask our member to watch the sister’s kids for a day or ask for a ride to the doctor or ask for money. None of these requests sounds like a big deal. The problem is that the requests were common. Our member felt she was taking advantage of her sister when the sister had other available options.
Another example is when people invite our member to have a drink, eat junk food, cake or anything in a reunion. She was pressured to eat things that won't contribute to their goals. Our member was not able to say no because she did not want to make people feel bad just like our other member wouldn't say no to her siter.
Once they started to say no to things they did not want to do, they stopped overeating…
Another reason why people can lose weight when they say no is because they can set and follow their priorities…
For example, let's say that during the day your priorities are to meditate or pray for 20 minutes, meal prep, exercise, have your house organized and spend the evening with your family. You most likely will follow your priorities when you say no to requests that are not in your list.
If someone comes and invites you to watch a movie, go out and have a drink or go shopping, you will say no because your priorities are set and clear.
On the other hand, if you don't have the ability to say no, you will put your weight loss and other priorities to the side to please the person who is inviting you.
I want you to think and see if you are the kind of person who likes to please everyone and you are not able to say no to requests. This is not a good virtue for your mental health and weight loss. You will find yourself stressed.
Here are a couple of things I do to be able to say no.
I have my values set so whenever someone asks me for anything, I make sure it does not interfere with my values. So I say no to drinking, no to junk food, to waste my time, to meetings without meaningful goals (this does not mean that I can just hang out with a friend. The goal might be there to enjoy each other's company and support each other).
I have my priorities down for the day, week and months and I make sure the request does not interfere with my priorities. I only do things that interfere with my priorities if they are an emergency and I feel I can help from my heart. I can help the person who is asking me for the request if she is not taking advantage of me.
I know I won’t please everyone in my life, so I am not looking to please people when they request something from me. Once again, if I am going to say yes is because I know the person needs my help and he or she is not taking advantage of me.
These are some things I think about when no is something firm as an answer…
What are your priorities, your values and do you really want to do the things people are requesting from you, are they beneficial for you as well? The factor that many ignore is present in each of your daily decisions.
Learn to say no to things you don’t want to do and you might start losing weight.