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Don't Give Up

Writer's picture: Sandro TorresSandro Torres

Updated: Oct 28, 2023

Your parents taught you some of your weight gain habits…

When you are born your parents do their best to grow a healthy, happy and successful child. Best in what they know they assert or make mistakes in what they teach you. You grow with some habits that have been taught mostly by your parents and those close to you.

Life also changes your beliefs…

You also experience some traumatic events that change your beliefs and create destructive habits. For many years you follow your beliefs and continue with your habits.

Sandro Torres doing box low squats

However, one day you noticed that you need to change. You are gaining weight, feeling depressed, and you are losing your health.

It is time to lose weight and transform your life…

You decided to change and sign up to a gym and start a diet. Months later, you quit. Life gets difficult and you make the excuse that you are busy. However, a year has passed and you go back to the same conclusion that you need to change. This time you hired a nutritionist and started running. But just like last time, after a couple months, you find yourself going back to eating junk food and drinking beer over the weekend. After a few months of going back to your habitual life, you think that might be the wrong program that you tried to follow. So you give it another try and hire a personal trainer. But you are not seeing long term results because you go back to the old habits.

Sandro Torres flexing without a shirt
You can’t seem to change even though you want to lose weight…

Either the gym, the nutritionist or the personal trainer can keep you accountable. You finally think that you are never going to change and your case is lost. You start giving up and lose hope.

I am here to tell you not to give up…

Many people are experiencing the same issues as you. But you need to know that your old habits are ingrained in you. That your synapsis (neural connections in your brain) are strongly connected because of the repeated practice over time of your habits. Your habits are unconscious. So you are going to need more than just a program to lose weight. You are going to need a plan for relapses and to persist.

Whatever you do, do not give up…

Find out your patterns and switch them. Continue with your gym membership or your nutritionist or your personal trainer. Continue following their advice. As you continue with your new behavior, you are going to see small changes in your body and life, but it does not really matter. What matters is that you are creating new habits. Your old habits some day in the near future will not be as strong as they used to be and now your new habit will become stronger than what it is now. The synapsis of your old habits will start getting weaker and the synapsis of your new habits will start getting stronger. But whatever you do, don’t give up and continue practicing your new habit no matter how difficult it seems to be. If you give up, you never change. If you continue even though it is slowly, your new habits will take over.

Sandro Torres doing curls without a shirt

Don’t put your guard down…

I know you are having a real fight in conquering yourself. It has been difficult, but finally, after many relapses, you made it and now your new habits are real. They are ingrained in you and losing weight is not a dream any more. It is real, your clothes are fitting you perfectly and you love how you look and feel. You are enjoying a new life, healthy and energetic. But one more word of advice for you, never put your guard down. Your old habits are still there. The synapsis of the old habits is still connected. They are weak, but they are still connected. So you always are going to have the desire to go back to who you used to be. Don’t listen to that desire because if you do, you are going to make those connections strong again and weaken the connections of your new behavior.

Stay strong with your new habits and don't give up…

I don’t have to tell you that your new life is worth the new habits. You know that, so stay strong and don’t let the old you take over again. Enjoy the benefits and help other people get the same results you got.



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