One of the things I do every day to be happy is to be thankful for everything God has given me. I do this every morning and every night. But I don't give thanks for everything in one moment, I divide my blessings. Not only that, but also during the day I am aware of the blessings that are present.
I don't do this to exaggerate, but I am really blessed...
For example, an acquaintance told me how a baby she was taking care of died in her sleep after her vaccinations. I imagine the pain the parents were going through. I don't wish it on anyone. For some reason I am not going through that suffering and I thank God very much that my daughter is alive.
Another example is where many people have to survive risking their lives in dangerous jobs, such as king crab fishing, police, military, high-risk security and other risky jobs. I have the opportunity to have a job that I love and that is not dangerous.

I recently visited a childhood friend who still lives in the neighborhood where I lived. She and her family were telling me that this year somone tried to steal her brother-in-law's car and shot him 4 times outside their house. When the whole family came out, the brother-in-law was already dead. I remembered the times I could have died when I lived there. That place is still dangerous. I am also grateful because I live in a safer place.
That's how I spend my time, grateful for everything, for the difficulties that God has put in front of me to be stronger, for the opportunities, for the people who leave books written with their experiences, for the people who fight for the truth, for my family, for all our members, for the great Custom Body Fitness team, for my friends, for those who help me progress, for those who trust in me, for the perfect body I have and everything I can think of.

This helps me to be happy and comfortable with everything that happens in my life and with my achievements...
But that doesn't mean I'm a conformist. One thing is to be grateful and another thing is to realize that I'm giving up and not growing anymore.
If you are not grateful for what you have and you are focused on having better things, a better life, better vacations, a better partner, a better career, a better family, or better material things, in order to feel good, the magical moments of what you have achieved or the opportunities that life has given you could pass you by unnoticed. Not only that, but you will also spend all your time improving everything because in reality there is always something better than what you have or achieve and you will never be happy.

So if you are thinking about what you don't have, you will always see something that you don't have and you will never be happy with what you already have…
Remember that one thing is to be grateful for what you have, but don't stop fighting to be a better person, everything in your environment changes when you change and grow. You don't need to be chasing the best things, those things come by themselves when you improve.